Thursday, October 29, 2009

October 30, 1776

In the House of Commons, Oct. 30, 1776, British Member of Parliament Edmund Burke offered remarks on A Proclamation for a General Fast in England and Wales:

That, after having been massacred, first by the Hessians, and then by the lawyers, they now talked of a revisal of the acts that had been complained of seven years ago. After burning their towns, and ruining their commerce, the Minister cries out, 'Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.' But what sort of rest? You shall have magistrates not of your own choosing; taxes without your assent; and laws made for you in England.

Burke reportedly "complained bitterly" about the Proclamation, indicating that Englishmen and Welshmen were to attend church "to accuse our American brethren of being deluded into acts of treason by specious falsehoods." Burke was called to order, "but afterwords...justified the resistance of the Americans." Burke suggested a general fast should hoped to atone for starting the horrors of war.

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