Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 28, 1776

On October 28, 1776, a prisoner petition the Maryland Council of Safety:

The petition of Joseph Whayland Junr a Languishing Prisoner in the Jail at Annapolis, humbly sheweth, that at the time your Petitioner was taken by Majr Fallin's guard he had all his cloaths taken from him, that he is now naked, and has been so ever since his confinement and had not wherewithall to purchase any cloaths; he therefore humbly prays your Honours would be pleased to grant him an order on Mr. Fallin for the delivery of his cloaths and your Petitioner as in duty shall ever pray.
Joseph Whayland
October 28th 1776

That day, the Maryland Council of Safety ordered "That Major Fallin be directed to deliver to Henry Lowes, or order, all the wearing Apparel of a certain Joseph Whaland now in his possession."

William Hand Browne, ed., Archives of Maryland: Volume 12: Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety July 7-December 31, 1776 (Baltimore: Maryland Historical Society, 1893), 407-408.

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