Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dear Syrian Rebels Part 1

A British ship captain reportedly dumped papers overboard after surrendering his vessel to Captain John Manley of the Continental Navy.  On December 10, 1775, George Washington's Ireland-born secretary Stephen Moylan wrote to William Bartlett, the Continental Agent of captured prizes at Beverly, Massachusetts, about the British captain: "He deserved to be severely punished, if it is true that this was done after he was made a prize of."

Stephen Moylan wrote, "In any other war...he would suffer death for such an action; but we must show him and such as fall into our hands, that Americans are humane as well as brave.  You will therefore, sir, treat the prisoners with all possible tenderness."  

According to The Toronto Star, Human Rights Watch found that Syrian rebels execute prisoners, sometimes with a pretense of trial and sometimes not.

Dear Syrian Rebels: Even if you believe a prisoner deserves death, it is critical to the Revolution that you prove that you are humane as well as brave.  You should therefore treat prisoners with all possible tenderness.  

Keywords: kindness, prisoners, Syria, Revolution
Keywords in Arabic (right to left): لطف  السجناء  سوريا   ثورة

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